HAPPY BIRTHDAY azar! * $595 1930s
Tortoiseshell and Cat Eye neckless *
Cateye cufflinks MORE
In The Netherlands we use only one word for these cats and that is
'lapjeskat' which means 'patched cat'
Tortoiseshell and Calico Cats come in a great variety of the colors Black, Red and White. Tortoiseshell and Calico Cats come in a great variety of the colors Black, Red and White. Unlike some people might think, they're not a breed, but hey are cats with a special color pattern. In this article I'll tell you about the color pattern of tortoiseshell cats in comparison to galico cats. Both have the same colors white, orange, black, but the pattern is different, where the tortie might not have white at all, like the cat on the photo and the calico always have white.
Tortoiseshell Cat
Medium Long Hair Tortoiseshell
The Tortoise-Shell. (Sometimes Called Spanish Cats.)
Carmina the Cathedral Cat *
Christmas kitties *
Tortoiseshell Cats Picture Gallery * Vintage
halloween cats *
Four Black Cats *
Covered in cat hair *
Cat Postcards *
c a t w o m e n *
cat runs *
Loves black cats *