Why I Love Black Cats...They are good luck!! and very sweet, loving and cuddly!!
Black cats are the last to get adopted, so we really get to know them and their personalities.
PRONOUNCE * CALCULATOR * GRAMMAR CHECK * Bob Marley * Thelonious Monk Live in '66 * ♬ ♣ ☺ ♪ ◘ ☼ ♥ ♫ • ♩ ♦ ♮ ♠ * * * *
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mother's Day: Charlie and Her 5 Black Kittens
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
May Day
In the Long Ago, Beltane traditionally marked the beginning of Summer. “Bel” is an ancient Sun God name and “Tan” means Fire. This is a fire festival as well as a fertility festival. If possible, celebrate outdoors. The Goddess is now Matron, ripe and receptive to Lord Sun’s attentions, and as we celebrate the changing season we also celebrate the new life to come from their union. Kate Braun : Beltane Seasonal Message
Canada NEWS May Day parade brings labour history to life (with video) May 01, 2013 WORKERS
“Let us learn from our history.”
When I was an 11-year-old kid in Chicago, my fifth grade class was assigned to do a school assembly for the month of May. As my teacher brainstormed what holidays are in May, I innocently suggested May Day. "No, Paul," she replied sternly. "May Day is only celebrated in Communist countries -- we can't do a play about a Communist holiday." How the United States Whitewashes May Day
May Day is not about maypoles: the history of international workers' day. Forget the Morris dancers, May Day's roots are in the fight for workers' rights and it has long been a focus for protest.

Also International Workers' Day or Labour Day
“Let us learn from our history.”
When I was an 11-year-old kid in Chicago, my fifth grade class was assigned to do a school assembly for the month of May. As my teacher brainstormed what holidays are in May, I innocently suggested May Day. "No, Paul," she replied sternly. "May Day is only celebrated in Communist countries -- we can't do a play about a Communist holiday." How the United States Whitewashes May Day
May Day is not about maypoles: the history of international workers' day. Forget the Morris dancers, May Day's roots are in the fight for workers' rights and it has long been a focus for protest.

The Simmons College Archives collections reflect the unique professional character of the College and its early commitment to training women for the professions. Part of the Simmons College Archives Photographs Collection..
.May Day
The Merry Month of May
.May Day
May Day 1951 >
The Merry Month of May